The graveyard in the back was equally enthralling as the newest grave I saw was marked 1932 as the date of death. Doesn't mean there aren't any newer graves only means I didn't see them.
There were so many baby graves, some without any markings at all other than a cover stone, no names or dates.
We found the Shank family. They had three baby boys. None lived longer than a year. That must have been a hard life. Interesting thing about these graves is that they all had new markers, but these boys had been dead since the 1870s. Wonder who put up the new markers?
Little George and Charlie, the third babe was born and died the same day and wasn't named.
Some of the graves were in pretty bad shape like this one on the left. There was a hole at the foot of this grave. When I was a little girl I remember being told a story about a grave that was sinking in like this. I think the story may have been meant to frighten me because the child who was playing in the cemetery was swallowed up in that hole! I always avoided the broken graves.